
We operate from offices in London’s midtown and Belgrade, Serbia.

Over the past 24 years we have established ourselves as one of London’s leading privately owned sustainability and engineering services design practices.

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how it works...

Founded in 2000, we are a team of like-minded individuals delivering commercially viable sustainable building services solutions. We pride ourselves on the quality of our product. 

We are designers first and foremost, but we also offer strategic advice to developers, owners, and occupiers across all areas of development.

Our engineers are ‘Low Carbon Consultants’ and we operate a program of accreditation to ensure sustainability is intrinsic in our designs. 

We also have a dedicated sustainability team of consultants, assessors and building simulation engineers providing advice and analysis to demonstrate that the project sustainability policy requirements are met robustly and economically. We offer BREEAM Assessments (including bespoke variants) across all sectors to the highest level of accreditation. We are also accredited Home Quality Mark (HQM) Assessors and Certified European Passivhaus Consultants.

We are Level 5 Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and DEC registered assessors with a team of building simulation engineers with the capability to model the most complex of buildings. We can provide compliance, thermal and occupational analysis, this also includes internal and external CFD analyses for temperature, airflow, micro-climate and wind effects.

what we believe in...

Be practical – deliver quality. Keep things simple.

We do not produce complicated solutions where it is not necessary – we also believe one solution does not fit all!

The best engineering solutions are the ones that are understandable, simple to operate and easy to maintain.

We try to add value by looking at the engineering solution, not simply with regards the technical performance, but by adhering to the client’s brief. We never assume the brief; we collaborate with the design team to define precise requirements.

Our product is well known. We differentiate ourselves by providing detailed packages and supporting information to allow accurate pricing – this removes risk for the contractors, resulting in best value for our clients. In addition, when the project conditions allow, we stay hands-on to manage the implementation of the design.

We also maintain continuity of resource throughout a project. The project then benefits from the same members of our team being involved from bid stage through to handover. Historic knowledge is valuable.

our structure...

We feel a mistake technical companies make is that all the valuable experience ends up promoted too far away from the action and ‘managing’ process rather than inputting directly into projects and mentoring younger talent. For this reason, our senior team members stay involved in the detail throughout the duration of the project.

We believe that to provide a dynamic and proactive service, smaller focused teams, led by a ‘hands-on’ senior level team member perform better than large ones. It’s a fact that smaller companies are more efficient and generate a self-help team approach as opposed to large organisations which often become inefficient through lack of focus and day-to-day bureaucracy.

Our teams are led by a director, or senior team member, and each team has all the necessary skills to deliver the entire project.

Teams also have strength and depth to maintain the quality of our deliverables as workload increases.

By operating within this structure, we can train new team members the ‘mTT way’ at close quarters and in a friendly team environment. We want people to feel included whilst getting exposure to every element of the project. This results in our team gaining valuable experience along the way whilst they are developing a solid working relationship with colleagues and other professionals.

our research & development drive...

Led by R & D Director Peter Gibson, mTT continue to invest significant time and resource into our research and development programme.

Our team of building physicists and sustainability engineers spearhead the research, and with the funding of mTT, they have developed new processes and software to embrace emerging technologies. These are then integrated into our designs. 

Given the demand to continually embrace Government legislation, energy efficiency, The London Plan, decarbonisation and sustainability, key areas of focus for our research are overheating, renewable energy, energy efficiency, wellness and overall lifecycle energy reduction.

We are continually developing our thermal modelling software tools and technologies and we now firmly believe that we are setting the standards for others to follow. 

At mTT, our view is that R & D is a continuous and ongoing process that puts mTT in pole position to ‘design for the future’.